LBCC and the Digital Millennium Copyright Act
In accordance with the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA), Linn-Benton Community College has a designated agent to receive notification of claimed copyright infringement. Upon receiving written notification of the infringement, LBCC will make every effort to remove the material from the site as soon as possible.
Such misuse of computer resources by a student may result in the filing of a complaint with the Dean of Student Services. The student will be notified and may be asked to meet with the Dean or follow other due process guidelines as described in the Students Rights, Responsibilities and Conduct Policy. Student penalties may range from a warning to expulsion from the college.
Such misuse of computer resources by a staff member may result in contacting their supervisor, who will follow due process procedures as defined in association agreements and/or in board policies. Staff penalties may range from verbal and written reprimand to termination.
If you believe your copyrighted work is appearing on an LBCC site without permission, please notify our agent:
Director, Marketing & Communications
6500 Pacific Blvd. SW
Albany, Oregon 97321
(541) 917-4408
Submitting student work
Thank you for considering showcasing your work in CommunityArchive@LBCC! You can deposit your work using these steps:
- Watch this video about Creative Commons licenses, which are used in CommunityArchive@LBCC.
- Watch this video about the benefits and potential downsides of sharing your work publicly in CommunityArchive@LBCC.
- Fill out this form with information about your work.