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Time Capsule
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Santiam Restaurant Menu
1 of 50
Printing Services Price Lists
2 of 50

Software License Prices
3 of 50
Library Staff Photo
4 of 50
Food Service Price Lists
5 of 50
GED Info Flyer
6 of 50
Time Machine Dedication Remakrs
7 of 50
Credit for Extrainstitutional Learning
8 of 50
College Meal Selections
9 of 50
Success Circle - What We Have Done
10 of 50
Family Resource Center - Dreams For Our Children
11 of 50
Family Resource Center Ocean Room Circle of Friends Poster
12 of 50
Lebanon Center Personnel
13 of 50
Family Resource Center Garden Room Poster
14 of 50
Family Resource Center Forest Room Poster
15 of 50
Campus Maps Foldout
16 of 50
Human Dignity Month Brochure
17 of 50
Loop Bus Schedule Brochure
18 of 50
Thank You Card from Brian & Claudia to Roger
19 of 50
LBCC Foundation Annual Report
20 of 50
Management and Exempt Staff Manual
21 of 50
International and Intercultural News and Notes Brochure
22 of 50
Culinary Arts and Hospitality Services
23 of 50
LBCC Traffic and Parking Regulations
24 of 50
Interview with Russ Tripp and Herb Hammond - Short Version
25 of 50
Agreement Between LBCC and LBCC Classified Association
26 of 50
Agreement Between LBCC and LBCC Faculty Association
27 of 50
Winter Art Gallery Advertisement
28 of 50
Humanities Gallery Advertisement
29 of 50
Spring Art Gallery Advertisement
30 of 50
Buried Alive - Time Capsule Advertisement
31 of 50

Computer Wish List from Ann L. Adams to Sam Ellis
32 of 50
25th Annual Commencement Announcement
33 of 50
LBCC 20th Annual Graduation Commencement
34 of 50
HST 203
35 of 50
LBCC - Roaring into our 20s
36 of 50
Winter Term 1993 Schedule of Classes
37 of 50
Summer Term 1993 Schedule of Classes
38 of 50
1993-1994 Schedule of Classes
39 of 50
Proposed Budget for 1993-94
40 of 50
1993 Recreation Fun Run & Walk Ad
41 of 50
1993 Baseball Season Program
42 of 50
1993-1994 Catalog
43 of 50
Fall Term 1992 Schedule of Classes
44 of 50
Spring Term 1992 Schedule of Classes
45 of 50
1992-93 Basketball Season Program
46 of 50
LBCC 1992-93 Track Team
47 of 50
1990-1991 Catalog
48 of 50
13th Annual Graphic Communications Portfolio Presentations Invitation
49 of 50
Board of Education Minutes - December 1966 to June 1967 - Book #1
50 of 50